Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS)

An overseas pension scheme that offers better options for retirement planning and wealth preservation than a normal UK pension.

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Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision Scheme (IORPS)

A scheme that allows for occupational pension funds in the EU to benefit from the principles of free movement of capital and free provision of services.

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Specialist Provider of Overseas Pension Schemes

We pride ourselves on our high-quality service and technical skills, while ensuring our staff has the expertise to provide a highly efficient and professional service to our members and advisors.

Our Products

We offer an array of products that will facilitate the freedom of choice rights for our international clients.



The Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme is an overseas pension scheme that offers better options for retirement planning and wealth preservation than a normal U.K. pension.

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The Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision Scheme allows occupational pension funds in the E.U. to benefit from the principles of free movement of capital and free provision of services.

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About ITC International

About ITC International

ITC International Pensions Limited (ITC IPL) is a specialised provider of international retirement solutions, created as a joint venture between Independent Trustees Company Ltd (ITC Dublin) and Alpine Group, one of Malta's largest financial services organisations.

Why Malta?

Why Malta?

Malta is a respected, English-speaking financial centre with a strong pension scheme framework. It also benefits from being a full member of the European Union.